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It all felt so fresh. From start to finish, my heart soared.
Ronan’s brilliant performance left me floored.
This classic’s revisit
Is truly exquisite.
Captivating direction from Gerwig, and beautifully scored.


Here we have London, looking so gorgeous at night.
Kate meets a handsome stranger who often takes flight.
Her choices cause mum alarm.
Despite the leads’ great charm,
And some lovely moments, it all feels a bit slight.


Though he has supportive friends, and his family’s loving and warm,
Simon’s afraid that living his truth would cause a storm.
An excessively charming cast.
Rothwell’s Albright: what a blast!
Refreshing change (popular genre, with bonus: added reform).


Such a fun, novel way for a film to be devised: There's no set script; the story entirely improvised. Laughs re: Josh's three-choice pain. Gotta love the hip hop Dane! A comedic meditation on relationships (new and demised).


Due to local marriage laws (with racism ingrained), The Lovings are cruelly arrested and detained. Two great leads play subtle and stoic, Rather than brow-beating heroic ...

Despite two usually charismatic leads at the fore, Sadly the direction and some script elements equal snore. And engagement wanes fast Because it's impossible to get past The morally repugnant, unconscionable act at its core.


Here's infamous Hughes (idiosyncratic to excess), And Marla and Frank (each under their own type of stress). Despite charismatic leads, I wouldn't say the film succeeds, As it feels unfocused, and a bit of a mess.


Though this film has some flaws (clearly), There were elements I enjoyed dearly: Nods to Curtiz et al; Gorgeous wardrobe; locale. It's old-fashioned, in a good way (sincerely).


Here's the historic story of an initially hidden Love that when eventually outed is forbidden. Some terrific rousing speeches, And a central couple that teaches Determination (their treatment: discrimination-ridden).


There's a strong cast here (and it's beautifully shot), But this three-hankie weepie suffers from a plot That's relentlessly overwrought. Will karma have them caught? Much to ponder about repercussions beyond the cot.


While glamping in the mud (that feels so rough), Jones meets American Jack (a billionaire; buff). Or is old flame Mark her cup of tea? Highlight: Thompson (as her OB). Fun screwball farce re: Bridge being up the duff.
